Still here:

I am still here. I am doing very well according to my Dr. I am starting physical therapy soon. I hope to be 100% very soon. I am going to slowly start taking photos again starting in April with Baby Carlos's baptism. So be on the look out for those the end of April. Jen can't wait to see you and your family again.


Elizabeth said...

I hope that once you start moving around and getting into the groove, your body will swing back quicker than you thought possible. Good luck with the therapy!

Jennifer Terrero said...

Wahoo... glad ot hear your feeling better! It was soooo nice to see you today after so long. Even though we didnt' get to talk much we'll have to caught up threw email...nice to see your hubby too! Cant wait to see the pics from today! Thanks again for always doing such a GREAT job!!!!